If you have always wanted to improve the shape or size of your nose to achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance, you are in the right place.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that allows you to reshape and redefine the nose according to your aesthetic preferences and personal needs. Whether you want to correct a hump, shrink the nose tip, narrow the nostrils, or improve the overall proportion of your nose, our expert plastic surgeons can help you achieve your goals.

Improves the facial appearance
Naturally harmonizes your face
permanent results
Corrects deformities and defects
improve your self-esteem

Why you should go on Lael?

We know that every person is unique, so at Lael we are committed to providing you with personalized attention from the first contact. Our personalized plans in comfort and security with everything you need makes us leaders in the aesthetic surgery market in Colombia, in addition to our highest quality medical team and our patient care advisors will be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with the guidance you need to make the best decision

Know the price of performing your surgery in Colombia with Lael

Min $8.000.000 COP

Max $20.000.000 COP

Comparison with prices on the outsider

Min $5.000 US

Max $15.000 US

Min 3.500 EUR

Max 10.000 EUR

Book your appointment
Contact us

+57 3106764736